Question: 1
Northern Trail Outfitters' analytics team has requested data to power a dashboard that can monitor the performance of emails across the company.
Which Marketing Cloud function should be used to get this data automatically on a daily basis?
Question: 2
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is launching a post-purchase campaign that emails customers to ask for feedback on their most recent shopping experience.
What should the NTO marketing team include in the email design to encourage a high response rate?
Question: 3
A marketer typically sends to a filtered data extension that contains their primary audience. They need to target only a portion of this population for an upcoming send.
What should they do to further segment their audience?
Question: 4
A marketer wants to use a filter to create a data extension that includes only records from yesterday.
Which step should they take to ensure the data extension includes newly added records?
Question: 5
A marketing associate at Northern Trail Outfitters must design an email campaign for the company's new winter offerings. Which email design best practice would the associate implement in this campaign?