Question: 1
Candidates are reviewed by four separate reviewers and their comments and scores which range from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) are stored on a review record that is a detail record for a candidate what is the best way to indicate that a combined review score of 15 of better is required to recommend that the candidate come in for an interview?
Question: 2
Which feature allows a developer to create test records for use in test classes?
Question: 3
A visualforce page uses the contact standard controller. How can a developer display the name from the parent account record on the page?
Question: 4
A developer has the following class and trigger code public class insurancerates{ public static final decimal smokercharge = 0.01; } trigger contacttrigger on contact (before insert){ insurancerates rates = new insurancerates(); decimal basecost=xxx; } Which code segment should a developer insert at the xxx to set the basecost variable to the value of the class variable smokercharge?
Question: 5
A developer has the following class and trigger code:
public class InsuranceRates { public static final Decimal smokerCharge = 0.01; } trigger ContactTrigger on Contact (before insert) { InsuranceRates rates = new InsuranceRates(); Decimal baseCost = XXX; }
Which code segment should a developer insert at the XXX to set the baseCost variable to the value of the class variable smokerCharge?