Question: 1
Which option would a developer use to display the Accounts created in the current week and the number of related Contacts using a debug statement in Apex?
A For(Account acc: [SELECT Id, Name,(SELECT Id, Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = THIS_WEEK]) { List cons = acc.Contacts; System.debug(acc.Name + ' has ' + cons.size() + 'Contacts'; }
B For(Account acc: [SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = CURRENT_WEEK]){ List cons = acc.Contacts; System.debug(acc.Name + ' has ' + cons.size() + 'Contacts'); }
C For(Account acc:[SELECT Id, Name, Account.Contacts FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = CURRENT_WEEK]) { List cons = acc.Account.Contacts; System.debug(acc.Name + ' has ' + cons.size() + 'Contacts'); }
D For(Account acc: [SELECT Id, Name, Account.Contacts FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = THIS_WEEK]){ List cons = acc.Account.Contacts; System.debug(acc.Name + ' has ' + cons.size() + 'Contacts' }
Answer : A
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Question: 2
A candidate may apply to multiple jobs at the company Universal Containers by submtting a single application per job posting. Once an application is submitted for a job posting, that application cannot be modified to be
resubmitted to a different job posting.What can the administrator do to associate an application with each job posting in the schema for the organization?
Question: 3
How would a developer determine if a CustomObject__c record has been manually shared with the current user in Apex?
Question: 4
Which declarative method helps ensure quality data? (Choose 3)
Question: 5
Which data type or collection of data types can SOQL statements populate or evaluate to? (Choose 3)