Question: 1
The business development team at Cloud Kicks thinks the account creation process has too many
fields to fill out and the page feels cluttered. They have requested the administrator to simplify the
Which automation tool should an administrator use?
Question: 2
Support reps at Cloud Kicks (CK) are reporting that when they try to close a case, the Closed option in the Case Status picklist is missing. CK has asked the administrator to find a solution.
Why are the support reps unable to see the Closed option in the specified piclist?
Question: 3
In a private sharing model, the following can be used when Role Hierarchy alone isn't sufficient when providing record access to users (choose all that apply)
Question: 4
Who can select the 'sharing' button on Account and Opportunity records?
Question: 5
5 dynamic dashboards for Enterprise Edition
10 for Unlimited Edition
3 Developer Edition.
To create, edit, and delete dynamic dashboards: ''Run Reports'' AND ''Manage Dynamic Dashboards''
Which of the following events are allowed while writing a trigger on feeds item and feed Comment object?