Question: 1
Cloud Kicks has a policy of closed opportunities being uneditable. At times, adjustments have to be made on the Opportunity for accounting reasons. In order to keep the original Opportunity's integrity, a custom object to track adjustments has been created. The users need a Roll-Up Summary field to track the number of adjustments.
How should the administrator accomplish this?
Question: 2
A user with permissions to create price books wants to quickly create a new product with the same information as the existing product by cloning the product.
What is an important consideration when cloning a product?
Question: 3
A sales rep at AW Computing needs to give read/write access to an Account and related records to a teammate #m*e the sates rep is on vacation.
How could the administrator enable the sales rep to give record access to a colleague?
Question: 4
Cloud Kicks would like to establish a backup administrator who can assign but not modify user permission
How should this be accomplished?
Question: 5
Cloud Kicks has an app that should only be used in the VIP showroom.
Which feature should an administrator use to permit access to the app?