Free Practice Mock Questions Set 26-30 (Quiz # 6) for PTCB PTCE Exam, according to official PTCB Pharmacy Technician exam syllabus topic # 8
Which drug can be used as a patch?
-Nuprcanial ointment
-vitamin C
Answer :
A doctor orders gentamicin 3mg/kg/day for a 75-lb child. How many milligrams will the child receive per day? You have in stock gentamicin 80mg/ml
102.3 mg/day (Chapter 4)
If and injectable drug is labeled 0.5 mcg/2ml and the patient is to receive 0.125 mcg, how many milligrams should the patient receive?
0.125/0.5 X 2ml = 0.5ml
Excretion from the body
Drug is broken down by the liver