Question: 1
Refer to Exhibit.
Your application's namespace requires a specific service account to be used.
Update the app-a deployment in the production namespace to run as the restrictedservice service account. The service account has already been created.
Answer : A
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Question: 2
Refer to Exhibit.
You are tasked to create a secret and consume the secret in a pod using environment variables as follow:
* Create a secret named another-secret with a key/value pair; key1/value4
* Start an nginx pod named nginx-secret using container image nginx, and add an environment variable exposing the value of the secret key key 1, using COOL_VARIABLE as the name for the environment variable inside the pod
Answer : A
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Question: 3
Create a Deployment named expose in the existing ckad00014 namespace running 6 replicas of a Pod. Specify a single container using the ifccncf/nginx: 1.13.7 image
Add an environment variable named NGINX_PORT with the value 8001 to the container then expose port 8001
Answer : A
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Question: 4
Create a Pod named nginx resources in the existing pod resources namespace.
Specify a single container using nginx:stable image.
Specify a resource request of 300m cpus and 1G1 of memory for the Pod's container.
Answer : A
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Question: 5
Refer to Exhibit:
Update the Pod ckad00018-newpod in the ckad00018 namespace to use a NetworkPolicy allowing the Pod to send and receive traffic only to and from the pods web and db
Answer : A
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