Question: 1
Which of the following audit techniques provides for continuous monitoring and analysis of computer transactions for detailed auditing?
Question: 2
Which of the following audit steps would be most effective to review proper recording of and accountability over physical assets?
1. Physically inspect all assets on the organization's property.
2. Select a sample department and physically inspect assets in the department.
3. Select a sample from the organization's records of physical assets and physically locate each asset.
4. Identify assets at a sample of locations and trace to the organization's records.
Question: 3
An internal audit activity is participating in the due diligence work for an acquisition that a company is considering. One engagement objective is to determine if the acquisition's accounts payable contain all outstanding liabilities. Which of the following audit procedures would not be relevant for this objective?
Question: 4
A company has recently incurred significant cost overruns on one of its construction projects. Management suspects that these overruns were caused by the contractor improperly accounting for costs related to contract change orders. Which of the following procedures would be appropriate for testing this suspicion?
1. Verify that the contractor has not charged change orders with costs that have already been billed to the original contract.
2. Determine if the contractor has billed for original contract work that was canceled as a result of change orders.
3. Verify that the change orders were properly approved by management.
Question: 5
An auditor receives anonymous information that fraud is occurring in the operation being audited, but no details are given as to the type of fraud or the individuals involved. There are several areas in which fraud could occur. The auditor should: