Question: 1
A system administrator needs to configure a JDBC provider and a data source for an application in a clustered environment. The administrator also needs to copy the JDBC drivers from the database server to the application server machines.
How can the administrator meet these requirements?
Question: 2
A system administrator has created a Jython script that will run in WebSphere Network cell where administrative security is enabled. This script is named and will be run by using the following:
wsadmin --connType RMI --f
How can the administrator suppress a user/password prompt from appearing when this script is run?
Set the user and password in the:
Question: 3
A system administrator is required to monitor the application server logs for heap memory issues and determine if the heap memory usage is reaching close to 70% of the maximum heap. The application server is configured with an initial heap of 256 MB and a max heap of 1 GB.
How should the administrator determine if the application server is utilizing 70% of the max allocated heap memory?
Question: 4
An EJB application posts a request message into a JMS destination and waits for a response message on a different JMS destination. To correlate the response message to the request message, the application uses the JMS correlationId of the message. The application waits up to five seconds for a response before timing out the request.
A Message Driven Bean (MDB) running on a different cluster is responsible for consuming the request message, process it and post a response message.
The destinations are defined in a Service Integration Bus (SIB) within the cell.
Intermittent timeout exceptions have occurred for the requester application. How can a system administrator correlate and analyze the debug information from both requester and consumer applications?
Question: 5
While monitoring a cluster in the cell, the administrator notices that one server in the cluster periodically loses connections to the database. When this happens, requests to the server have a significantly decreased response time and various error conditions are listed in the log files for the server. Since the error codes are returned quickly, the server starts returning responses faster than the average service times for the application. Due to this, the weight for the server is increased and a large percentage of incoming requests are being routed to the erroneous server and the server is getting overloaded with requests.
How can the administrator detect these conditions in the future and take action to prevent this problem?