Question: 1
What is a responsibility Supervisory Authorities in EEA countries?
Question: 2
A controller can contract out the processing of personal data to another company, provided a written contract between these partners is in place.
Which clause in this contract is a responsibility of the-controller?
Question: 3
What is the of Data Life cycle Management (DLM)?
Question: 4
An architect, leaving a building suite, puts his laptop for a moment beside his car on the road, while his phone. When driving away he sees in the mirror his laptop being crushed by an enormous driving over it. All his files on the design of the building and the calculation ne worked on are lost. His only consolation is that those were the only files on the device.
In terms of the GDRP, what happened?
Question: 5
Which action is considered processing of personal data where the GDRP applies?