Question: 1
When does the GDPR require data subject consent to a cookie?
Question: 2
A personal data breach has occurred and the controller is writing a draft notification for the Supervisory Authority. The document describes the nature of the breach and its possible also contains information on the parties that can provide additional information on the data breach to the Supervisory Authority.
What other information should the controller add?
Question: 3
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) formalization the data subject's right to data portability.
What is the object of data portability?
Question: 4
Personal data as defined in the General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) can be divided in several types.
''Data that directly or indirectly reveal someone's racial or ethnic background, political/philosophical/religious, views, union affiliation and data related to health or sexual habits."
What type of personal data is described?
Question: 5
The General Data protection Regulation (GDRP) is based on the principle of proportionality and subsidiarity.
What is the meaning of proportionality in this context?