Question: 1
If the probability that event A occurs is .51, the probability that event B occurs is .64 and events A and B are statistically independent then:
Question: 2
An experiment has seven factors with two levels each. The experiment has eight runs. This experimental design is called:
Question: 3
Find the value of b or b0:
Question: 4
If the probability that event A occurs is .51, the probability that event B occurs is .64 and events A and B are statistically independent then:
Question: 5
A set of data from a process has 8 readings per sample and 50 samples. The mean of the 50 sample means is 12.62. The mean of the 50 ranges is 0.18.A customer requires that SPC charts be done on their forms which have spaces for only 5 readings per sample. In preparation for calculating the new control limits the following question is asked, ''Will the new average range be larger or smaller than the current average range?''. The answer is: