Question: 1
Once all data are posted to a patient's account, the claim can be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Many facilities have internal auditing systems. The auditing systems run each claim through a set of edits specifically designed for the various third-party payers. The auditing system identifies data that have failed edits and flags the claim for correction. These ''internal'' auditing systems are called
Question: 2
The term ''hard coding'' refers to
Question: 3
The occurrence of an OCE (outpatient code editor) edit can result in one of __________ different dispositions, which help to ensure that the fiscal intermediaries in all parts of the country are following similar claims processing procedures. An example of one of these dispositions is ''claim rejection.''
Question: 4
''Pill-rolling'' tremor is a characteristic symptom of
Question: 5
Which would be the better "best practice" for handling fax transmission of a physician's orders?