Question: 1
In May 2002, the Wolfsberg Principles on Private Banking were revised and included a section that prohibits the use of internal non-client accounts in a manner that would prevent officials from appropriate monitoring movements of funds or keep clients from being linked to the movement of funds on their behalf.
What is another name for these internal, non-client accounts?
Question: 2
After an institution files an STR with regard to a particular account, a law enforcement agent requests the institution to keep the account open until advised otherwise by law enforcement.
What steps should the institution take?
Question: 3
The marketing department presents a business plan targeting individuals holding important public positions. What are some steps the financial institution should implement as part of the plan to target such individuals?
Question: 4
In 2004, Consolidated KYC Risk Management was issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). What is a key message in this document?
Question: 5
To guard against acquisition or control of a financial institution by money launderers or their associates, what should supervisory agencies require?